We Are Fee-Only Fiduciary Advisors
The Main Goals of This Meeting
I want to help you answer the three big retirement questions:
1) Are you on track for retirement?
2) When can you retire?
3) How do you make your money outlive you
Our Process: What You Can Expect
Step 1: Schedule a Meeting
You can make an appointment straight to our calendar using the Calendly widget above. Please use your personal email (not a work email as those often go to spam). You should still check your spam folder when using personal email for meeting confirmation as well as instructions regarding how to prepare for our meeting.
Step 2: Fill out the application
Once you schedule an appointment, a confirmation email will contain a link to our application form. This form is a survey that helps provide me with information in advance of our meeting that will allow me to most thoroughly answer your questions. Without good information, I cannot provide good advice.
Step 3: Analyze
You've submitted good data, now it's our turn to provide good explanations. We will show you how to understand and navigate the big retirement questions such as:
1) When can you retire?
2) How do you have your money OUTLIVE you?
3) How do you draw an income in retirement in the most efficient way possible?
Step 4: The Meeting
We meet to review our findings and recommendations. We will explain the retirement puzzle and share the answer to those three big retirement questions.
This meeting will be your opportunity to ask any other questions you may have.
Step 5: What's Next?
After our call, many people want to hire our firm to help them in a comprehensive and ongoing way. On the call we will discuss what our services cost, our ongoing philosophy when it comes to retirement planning and investment management.
Our ongoing service includes:
- A dynamic financial advice relationship that ensures that no matter what's going on in the economy, investment markets, the tax code, or your individual life, that you are always on track to retire and stay retired.
- Ongoing financial advice on demand with no limitations on topics such as taxes, retirement income, social security, medicare, investments, and planning for your legacy/heirs.
- Investment management (making sure your money is protected and invested in a strategic manner that helps you reach your retirement goals).
How do you make money?
We are fiduciary, fee-only financial planning firm for pre-retirees and couples with self employment income. We charge a flat first year financial planning fee (think retainer or dollars per hour, similar to a lawyer or CPA). We charge a separate sliding scale fee for investment management services that is typically a percentage of the managed dollar amount. Our goal is to ALWAYS provide you value far in excess of the fees you pay by lowering your taxes, maximizing your benefits, and protecting your investable assets so that you can retire without worry.
Can you meet virtually / work with people elsewhere in the USA?
Yes, we work with clients from all over the United States.
What areas do you help your clients with?
We focus on the following key areas:
- Maximizing Social Security.
- Crafting a retirement spending and income plan that improves the likelihood that your assets will last for the entirety of your life.
- Minimizing taxes by properly managing the order and type of investment accounts from which your retirement income is drawn.
- Educating you so that you feel like a part of the process rather than having to naively trust someone and hope that that person has your best interest at heart.
Other Questions? Contact us at eric@thepeakfp.com
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